RV Technical Institute Learner Shares Testimony On Level 3 Course

Israel Jackson

Since launching last year, the RV Technical Institute’s Level 3 training course has been successfully training technicians to perform advanced diagnostics, troubleshooting, and repairs on specific systems and components. Currently, the Level 3 curriculum offers in-depth training in five specialties: appliances, chassis, electronics, electrical, and slide-outs. 

One of the students who completed the Institute’s Level 3 course is Israel Jackson, an experienced RV technician (who has since become a Level 4 Master Technician). Check out his testimony on the Level 3 course below!

What initially drew you to the RV Technical Institute’s program?

I’m a certified Level 3 technician with 32 years of experience. When the RV Technical Institute came out with their curriculum, that was a plus because it helped me stay up-to-date with every new system/technology development that comes out. The training and the instructors taught me a lot.

The company I’m at gave me the opportunity to go to the RV Technical Institute and train. I do most of the repair jobs here and I work on 5-6 units per day. 

During the course, what aspect(s) of the Institute’s training experience were the most beneficial to you and why?

My first time there was in March, and I learned a lot within the three-day period. That’s all it takes, especially when I’ve been in the field for so many years. I’m in my last few hours of my Level 3 slide-out training, and after that I’ll reach the level of master-certified technician. 

The extra knowledge makes a difference. For example, I took the generator class and now I’m capable of repairing them, even though we don’t work on them at my dealership. Shortly after the class, my friend’s generator wouldn’t start at all, and I was able to fix it because of what I learned in that class. Those three days I was there, I learned a lot, and it took me further out in my skills as far as being more qualified to do a lot more.

Since completing the course, how has your Institute training helped your career as an RV technician?

The RV Technical Institute taught us how to troubleshoot different systems and since then I’ve noticed that it doesn’t take me as long to resolve the issues. For example, I can resolve an electrical issue in 30-45 minutes— it used to be an hour and a half. 

I’m grateful to have staff at my dealership who support me. They know that I know what I’m doing on these units, and that customers won’t return with the same problem.

There are so many educational opportunities offered at this school. Hopefully RVTI will be able to spread the word and get more technicians involved in going!

I would encourage anyone that wants to become a certified RV technician to go to RVTI. It will give you a whole lot of knowledge within a certain amount of time and is well worth it.